

I head down Ponsonby Road in the drizzle,

Past what felt like home in that café after work,

Punters now bustle on to happy hours,

Me just visiting the address of some old chapter.

Almost couldn't recognise myself, 20 years ago walking by,

Can’t help but double back to gently catch you up.

Hey young man with your life all ahead and that sparkle,

You can’t know me but I know you,

Where you keep all the doubt & the hope shut away,

You'll have to live your way here without me

But hear this if you can whispered down through the decades.

Live that wild youth!

Consume it with everything,

Love deeper still til destruction,

You’ll survive it and emerge I promise.

Follow hope all the way down and drown in it.

Burn with it completely,


I’ll be here, quiet life & school pick-ups,

Proud you did it,

Glad we survived it, if only just.

Do those reckless things, do it for us both

I’m chuckling over here and all the better for it.

Go chase down the boldest roads,

Let strangers save your life & become your angels,

Get on that flight to risk it all on love,

I still honour you to this very day,

My young man walking by.



Flashback to when I could do anything; I’m glad we survived it. cjG