
GROUND/ noun

an area of knowledge or subject of discussion or thought.

Also: reduced to fine particles by crushing, or polished by grinding.

TRUTH/ noun

the real facts about a situation, event, or person.


in military; the reality of a tactical situation from those on the ground—as opposed to intelligence reports or mission plans.


I rode a motorbike solo around South America

I was a military helicopter pilot and flying instructor

I’ve coached resilient behaviour and mental skills under pressure in the military.

I think mindfulness might just improve your life.

I live in New Zealand with my wife Meredith and our three beautiful girls. 

I have loved travels to South America, Bali and Vietnam for revival, recalibration, and Truth.


Thought Trafficking

Amazing humans I admire…

Sam Harris, Tim Ferriss, Jordan Peterson, Seth Godin, Noah Levine & Agaist The StreamAdyashanti, Joseph Goldstein, Jack Kornfield, Jocko Willink, Brene Brown, Stan McChrystal, Simon Sinek, James Clear, Malcolm Gladwell, Dan Harris, Scott Barry Kaufman, Rob Biswas-Diener, Zaid Hassan, Jim Loehr, Dan Millman, Alain de Botton, Dr Peter Attia, Grant Rix, Russell Brand, Daniel Ingram, Josh Korda & Dharma Punx, Rob Bell, Shane Parrish & Farnam St, Derek Sivers, Peter Rollins, Ezra Klein, Tim Urban, Steven C. Hayes, Russ Harris, Scott Galloway, Jonathan Haidt, Donald Robertson, Ryan Holiday & The Daily Stoic, Modern Wisdom & Chris Williamson, Rich Roll, Nick Wignall, Bruce Tift, Stephan Bodian, Jay Garfield, John Astin


