The Militant & The Mystic

T h e M i l i t a n t & t h e M y s t i c

If I humbly come before you now

It’s as servant to warriors

As transcendence-seeker, a mystic. 

The rationalist, a scientist love affair with evidence and effect sizes,

The shaman, observer of the nature of experience and unexplainables. 

There is no brokering of peace

Between these two factions

No armistice, no v-day heroes, 

Only oil and water

Living well in the mess.

Gentle time it takes to embrace polarities,

Loosening the boundary of my ego,

I rejected myself for years

In cycles despairing of one side or the other,

Withering my depth and faith during stretches of service,

Wandering off table-flipping my history and discipline.

Dedication to both in the braid,

Years crammed into libraries 

No statistic unquestioned down to the last claim,

Years interrogating the breath in silence

Coaxing out the secrets of the observable and the assumed. 

There is no reconciliation

No straightening this all out

No making sense

Territories not even on the same map

But all of this is absolutely true.

I’ve built my house in the eye of the contradiction

I stand full facing in the howl of the paradox,

Home for me in the thrash of the militant and the mystic.

