Just Begin

Begin poorly.

Begin with the messy first pass.

Begin when it feels like an unresolved and unresolvable farce.

Begin when there’s no time and no hope of doing it perfectly, let alone doing it well.

Begin there, then.

And if you do begin,

Do dare to cross that threshold,

There is every motivation and possibility waiting there for you to keep going.

The barriers of resistance keeping you from commencement,

All evapourated.

The sweet delight of progress fueling and sustaining,

And cheering you from the sidelines with every action.

So nothing to fear.

Embrace the delicious signpost of resistance to starting,

And with a belly full of courage and trust.


Do it imperfectly, with self-compassion and grace.

Start, anyway.



Begin. Open the journal and write. Step into the discomfort with trust. cjG #mygroundtruth