Work That Sits Behind The Work

I’ve been particularly blessed.

For the last 18 months I’ve been lucky enough to be meeting regularly with a couple of peers to discuss life, work, the mystical & prgamatic, career directions, and What. Actually. Matters.

Some call them mastermind groups, or maybe it’s a riff on the magic of the altMBA learning groups. Or a sacred sharing circle, or a therapy-group. It’s what you’ve always wanted in a small collection of humans you come to love and respect, where as the trust grows so does your power to be truly authentic and revealling, bringing your shit and shame into the space where you get seen and comforted that your stuff makes sense, yes, even that mangled mess.

Where You Do The Work

The agenda is simple; talk about what matters to you. And that ranges from the every-work-a-day trivia of positioning your ideas, to the sacred journeying of altered states and beyond. Every fortnight, coming together, pausing, holding respectful space for what’s requred that meeting. And if you’ve got it to give that week, offering more open listening room, and if you need therapeutically more, sharing what’s actually going on.


The transformation through this for me is huge.

We’ve riffed on the mexican fisherman, values, towards moves & away moves, ensuring the ladder is leaning against the right wall, meditation, psychedelics and healing, culture and personal history, mental health, self-care, habits, productivity, the elephant and the rider… on and on and each time a little deeper.

I’ve explored my paradoxes and how I’m never going to get all the answers to my myseteries in this lifetime. I shared my deepest trauma and saw that it was actually ok. I heard and saw reflected that these same burdens are so shared it’s a wonderful humour to recognise we’re all living out the human condition refracted through the colours of our own unique lives.

We came together under providential circumstance, and the season has taken us to a natural period of pause for self-work. How lucky to be able to do the work that sits behind your work with humans who get you.

Always looking forward to the next meeting with my boys, SKC.



Meeting mural of family photos, each session a little deeper. Untold gratitude for you guys, cjG #mygroundtruth

Meeting mural of family photos, each session a little deeper. Untold gratitude for you guys, cjG #mygroundtruth