Understanding & Maintaining Your Mental Health & Wellbeing: Part II

In part one of this series on Understanding & Maintaining Your Mental Health I outlined one way to think about our mental health and wellbeing - the continuum model. This helps us understand how our wellbeing isn’t permanently fixed, in fact it can vary greatly depending on what’s going on in our lives. In this second part we’re going to look at a way of thinking about keeping ourselves “topped up” via the bucket model of stress and resilience.

Why I don’t do resolutions and neither should you.

This could easily degenerate into a rant in amongst all the other rants against goal setting, and given the time of year, against New Year’s resolutions in particular. Look, I’m not against aiming high and missing and landing in the clouds, or however that meme goes that’s serving you up your life advice via your feed. It’s just that goal setting, if that’s all you’ve got going on, won’t work. That’s the news. Happy New Year. 

Metta for the Media

I was a grad student in psychology in 2012 while I retrained after a career as a pilot in the New Zealand Air Force. It was such an enjoyable diversion for me, to indulge in the academics and science, the evidence for this way of describing the human condition and that. The whole thing had me captivated and I thought my new career course was pretty well set; Masters, then PhD, post-doc, and eventually lecturer. An academic psychologist for sure.